
Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil 'Alameen

As-Salaatu was-Salaam 'alaa Saiyidil Ambiyaa wa Mursaleen

As-Salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.

InshaAllaah I will post my paintings on this website in order to receive feedback on how I can improve them next time, so please feel free to post any comments. JazaakumAllaahu khairun.

Also, I am willing to reproduce any of the paintings on this website on request, and can also change colours/fonts etc. according to what appeals to yourself. If you would like any personalised paintings, email: [orders are on hold at present].

The cost of the paintings are as follows:
50cm x 60cm canvas costs £20 (£2 will go towards the cost of the canvas itself, £18 will go direct to charity)
30cm x 40cm canvas costs £10 (£1 will go towards the cost of the canvas itself, £9 will go direct to charity)

JazaakumAllaahu khairun.

Was-Salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.
Blogger AQNTech said on 5:23 PM:
Wa alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Really amazing stuff mashaAllah, really impresssed.

Woul love to buy some one day inshaAllah

Keep it up inshAllah

Jazak Allahukhair
